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High Altitude Research Center HARC

This Research White Paper explains how the HARC is strengthening Research capabilities to meet the challenges of the more complex issues likely to face in the years ahead. The Government's plan is for a more capable, agile and potent future that has greater capacity to respond to strategic risk wherever research interests are engaged.

The Initiatives and proactive decisions determine our capacity to manage the challenges of the future, it is important that policy decision-making and planning take a clear long-term view.

The decisions in this White Paper are the culmination of a rigorous process of review and assessment of State Government.

The White Paper explains how the Research will ensure that Sikkim has the critical industrial, scientific, technological and innovation capabilities that will be necessary to underpin.

A sustainable national support base that enables and sustains research, and adds to nation resilience will be fundamental to our future security and prosperity.

1. HARC'S Approach to Research

1.1 HARC'S Approach to Research
1.1.1 This Research White Paper explains how the HARC is strengthening Research capabilities to meet the challenges of the more complex issues likely to face in the years ahead. The Government's plan is for a more capable, agile and potent future that has greater capacity to respond to strategic risk wherever research interests are engaged.
1.1.2 The Initiatives and proactive decisions determine our capacity to manage the challenges of the future, it is important that policy decision-making and planning take a clear long-term view.
1.1.3 The decisions in this White Paper are the culmination of a rigorous process of review and assessment of State Government.
1.1.4 The White Paper explains how the Research will ensure that Sikkim has the critical industrial, scientific, technological and innovation capabilities that will be necessary to underpin.
1.1.5 A sustainable national support base that enables and sustains research, and adds to nation resilience will be fundamental to our future security and prosperity.

1.2 Why now?
1.2.1 Principles establish a single end-to-end capability development function within Research are : - to conduct the research activities for the sustainable development of state; to develop and maintain state centre for forestry, agri-biodiversity and allied sciences; to establish the bioactivities of natural chemical compounds; identification of natural products available in natural resource of Sikkim; scaling up the production of active constituent of plant using biotechnological application; to find out the means of viability of medicinal plant for the commercial use; database on Himalayan plant based Drugs; formulate the collaborative work with scientists of other department, University and other institutions for the development of state; to advice on policies and measures relating to the researches and resources utilization.
1.2.2 Enabling and integrating systems - such as intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems, information and communications technology, facilities and workforce - ensure we get maximum performance from the research platforms.
1.2.3 In line with the policy planning, this research White Paper has the inclusive approach providing a single, coherent vision of research's future strategies across the major objectives that make up research capability. This paper will give much needed clarity and certainty to Research in implementing this White Paper.

1.3 Capability
1.3.1 The Research with provide a more capable, agile and potent future force. The research will ensure and maintain the highest levels of research capability along with scientific and technological sophistication. The future force will be more capable, agile and potent. The future research will be more capable of conducting independent research studies for the overall development of State and protect interests of public of the regions.
1.3.2 The Research will be equipped with a potent research capability to analysis the forest resources, chemical profiling, phytochemical profiling, food for the documentation of resources etc. The study and analysis shall be conducted based on the principles of Chromatography, Ionization, Polarization, Spectroscopy etc.
1.3.3 The Research approaches of elemental analysis shall be conducted by spectrophotometric processes using inductive coupled plasma and like instruments.
1.3.4 The research and analysis of biochemical of bioresources, food, forest produces shall be equipped and performed for the marketability intelligences, market potentials, for the good health of people. The quality of food and resources, and its adulterants and purity shall be looked during the assessment of products.
1.3.5 The research shall be conducted in the quality water, soil and air . Soil nutrient analysis shall be done for the productivity of the farm and encourage to the community for the management of soil health.
1.3.6 The research will be equipped with new equipments for scholars, researcher, scientists for the valued research works.
1.3.7 The Integrated research planning is underpinned by a rigorous planning and shall be undertaken with the higher levels of confidence to deliver with the available human capitals.

1.4 Research and innovation
1.4.1 Innovation drives the development of capability and such research shall be encourage to reduce red tape,and generate the economic opportunity.
1.4.2 All locals resources are properly surveyed and reviewed for the value addition and economic opportunity. The methods of agriculture practices and quality of yield shall be integrated with the technology of soil fertility.

1.5 International engagement
1.5.1 Research will initiate in consonance with the different national and international agencies, bodies both Government and non-Government. In the line of this, such engagements provide a platform for the State in the international platform to showcase and responses to shared international challenges such as global warming, food, health and other.

1.6 Research preparedness
1.6.1 As and when the more action research require in the State, the research preparedness level is maintained to ensure that Research has greater capacity to respond.

1.7 Resources
1.7.1 To align strategy, capability and resources for Research, the Government shall necessary budget to suffice the research needs from management to implementation. Addressing the growing gap between planning and resourcing by increasing research funding and priority setting will provide a sustainable basis for future investment and procurement decisions.
1.7.2 The long-term nature of research structure planning, acquisitions and sustainment is critical to executing the Government's plans for research.

1.8 Implementation
1.8.1 Implementation of this White Paper will be driven by the set up rules, guidelines as notified by the State Government from time to time.

2. Research Strategic Outlook

2.1 Modernization of scientific techniques
2.1.1 Scientific techniques and trends are dynamic in nature and always require an updation. The comprehensive planning with the setup may lead to reduce the research gap.
2.1.2 The standard methodologies and protocols will be adopted for the operation of equipments with proper calibration.
2.1.3 Standard operating Protocols shall be adopted for the analysis of sample or any experiments in the laboratory or such study.

2.2 Policy planning developments and rules based guidelines
2.2.1 Policy planning development will be evolved through base to top approach and reconstructed from the ground truthing.
2.2.2 Integrated policy planning shall be recommended for the inclusive development.

2.3 Participatory Roles of Stakeholders
2.3.1 Development of capabilities among the skilled , semi-skilled and to the people for the participation in the developmental works. The trainings and capacity buildlings of stakeholders perfomed and shall be performed from time to time.

2.4 Literatures and awareness
2.4.1 All literatures and awareness shall be prepared by publishing articles, brochures, publishing in journals, conference, or as resource persons.

2.5 Benefit Sharing approach of resources development
2.5.1 The Quality production of matters or such goods always remark high in and within the stakeholders. The information or such certification from the laboratory to the concerned stakeholders would be great milestone to fetch the economic opportunity by the communities, primary growers, and equally keep the stake of access and benefit sharing. It shall be a good indicator for the societal development.

3. The Future Research Force

3.1 Designing the future Research force
3.1.1 The Government must make a major investment in modernizing and enhancing quality of laboratories, researches, capabilities for the deliverance to the people.
3.1.2 Key enablers include upgraded training and testing facilities, services and information, communications and technology equipment.
3.1.3 The Government will recognize the fundamental input and capabilities to ensure it delivers the support research needs.

3.2 Capability priorities
3.2.1 The significant investment in new capabilities so that the numbers and skills of personnel in the State increased which have the different prospective for overall development of State.
3.2.2 Priority Setting as per the capabilities will do effective research.

3.3 Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
3.3.1 To ensure research can continue to operate efficiently, there is a need a of comprehensive understanding, or situational awareness, of what is happening around them. Having situational awareness is essential to making to have decision-making superiority - knowing more about a situation - better deliverance.
3.3.2 As technology life cycles continue to shorten with time , the research acquires contemporary information and fast communications systems.

3.4 A new approach to research innovation
3.4.1 The research is committed for better supporting to promote, harness and translate innovative ideas into practical capability and collaborate with such institutions to cut red tape and invest in new technologies to help build small, middle and large industry competitiveness, create economic opportunity for people of Sikkim. 3.4.2 The research is committed to delivering this long-term strategy and is prepared to invest in the skills and knowledge base.

4. Positioning Research for Tomorrow's Challenges and Issues

4.1 Regional Issues and Challenges
4.1.1 Sikkim is located at the strategic location and socio-economic planning is typical. Allthough the people do have similar approach to farming, mixed farming and intensive farming for which they require pest and disease security issues and management. Due to the shared interests of people, the challenges and issues of researches need to be addressed in the region.
4.1.2 Unplanned action and activities without deliverable outputs shall be reduced, and the planning for action research shall be undertaken for the deliverable outputs. Action

4.2 Community challenges
4.2.1 Research will build on the strong foundation to support community, and modernize and provide more opportunities for more basic and sophisticated trainings.
4.2.2 Research will make a partnership with the communities by expanding comprehensive pattern of training, exercises, and operations; more frequent policy and planning dialogue; and intelligence exchanges.
4.2.3 Research will coordinate with all efforts, particularly in relation to bioresources analysis, management and development.

4.3 International engagement
4.3.1 The quality of research and development shall be adopted as the international as well as Indian Standards for the quality products assessments.

4.4 Research preparedness
4.4.1 Being the research a dynamic subject, the research preparedness for the updation, innovation, strategic planning will be always in the level to initiate the programmes as and when require.

4.5 Current operations 4.5.1 The research is fully committed to maintain the quality works and provide the database for the food, forest bioresources, and other biotic and abiotic elements subject to the research performed.
4.5.2 Research will continue to make a major contribution to the agriculture farm, forest resources, soil, water and air quality data .
4.5.3 DNA bar coding of the biotic names will be studied and its banking will definitely support to the resources identification and its classification.
4.5.4 Research will conduct on the food sample analysis, Phytochemical profiling, elemental profiling, DNA profiling, biochemical analysis, water analysis, soil analysis, anatomical analysis, seed germination analysis, 4.5.5 Research conducts with surveys, microplanning, baseline surveys and literatures suveys

Section 5: Funding Research

5.1 The Government's plan for funding Research: The funding model
5.1.1 Research must have confidence in its funding so it can develop and implement long-term plans.
5.1.2 Sikkim's research also needs funding certainty to confidently invest in infrastructure, skills and capabilities so that it can play its part as a fundamental input to research capability.
5.1.3 The gap in the research funding in the State of Sikkim shall create discouragement among the educated mass; Earmarked research budget model in the plan shall be included to accommodate all as per the plan need to the addressed in the future strategy.
5.1.4 Integrated Long Term funding plan is essential for the inclusive development of State for the socio-economic opportunity of the people.

5.2 Other sources of Research Funding 5.2.1 The other sources of research funding made from the different funding sources both from the Government, and national and international funding sources.
5.2.2 Such research funds shall be procured from the different agencies, department, Ministry as deemed fit with the objectives.

5.3 How will Research funding be spent? 5.3.1 The Major categories of costs of funding are invested to attains the objects made for. Research fund shall be invested to the plan, field application, capacity building, socio-economic development, management, infrastructures and maintaining the highest standards to maintain its overall effective maximal capability.

5.4 Budgeting in Research In Lakh

Section 6: Implementing this Research's White Paper

6.1 The Research's decisions in this White Paper will be implemented in the systemic way as per the approach for the developmental activities.
6.2 To deliver the Research's long-term plans, implementation shall be in an integrated approach.
6.3 Implementing the Research's direction in this White Paper will require strong coordination and priority setting.

Section 7: Conclusion

7.1 Sikkim is in the developing in Research and Development activities, and the capabilities of researches shall be enhanced based on economic opportunity and long term strategy.
7.2 This research laboratory set up or such institutional arrangement available in the State with all facilities is the platform that shall be instrumental for the growth of advance research in State.
7.3 It facilities the solutions for the growers, scientist, researcher, policy planner and so on. 7.4 It is helpful for the quality, rigorous and systemic results.