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Inception of High Altitude Research in Sikkim under the Forest, Environment and Wildlife Management
Department, Government of Sikkim is in according to vide notification of Home Department, Government
of Sikkim 120/ HOME/2009 dated 19.09.2009 that is governed by High Altitude Research Rules, 2010 vide
Sikkim Government Gazette Notification 349 dated 14th July, 2010 having objects of research and
developmental activities.
The Research Centre is working in the different capacities to strengthen the Research activities in
the complex issues like climate change, agriculture, forestry, phytochemistry, and socio-economic and
geographic aspects. Research commitment to the people of Sikkim is for the overall development of
State are food safety, resources analysis, water and soil analysis, DNA bar coding and so on . The
matter of fact is that we face greater uncertainty and complexity in the analysis of resources and
were outsourcing since many decades across all spheres of State. To address this issue, an important
part of the Research's strategy is to continue to strengthen the researchers, institutional setup
through enhancing capabilities. The Centre will also ensure the availability and accessibility of
research information and will continue to provide the valuable information of resources to protect and
promote the interests of people.
Further, it caters the shared interests of farming communities, entrepreneurs, researchers and such
other associated with.
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