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...a platform to share the valuable information of High Altitude Research Centre.


Gastrodia is the platform to share the valuable information of HARC.

Inception of High Altitude Research in Sikkim under the Forest, Environment and Wildlife Management Department, Government of Sikkim is in according to vide notification of Home Department, Government of Sikkim 120/ HOME/2009 dated 19.09.2009 that is governed by High Altitude Research Rules, 2010 vide Sikkim Government Gazette Notification 349 dated 14th July, 2010 having objects of research and developmental activities.

The Research Centre is working in the different capacities to strengthen the Research activities in the complex issues like climate change, agriculture, forestry, phytochemistry, and socio-economic and geographic aspects. Research commitment to the people of Sikkim is for the overall development of State are food safety, resources analysis, water and soil analysis, DNA bar coding and so on . The matter of fact is that we face greater uncertainty and complexity in the analysis of resources and were outsourcing since many decades across all spheres of State. To address this issue, an important part of the Research's strategy is to continue to strengthen the researchers, institutional setup through enhancing capabilities. The Centre will also ensure the availability and accessibility of research information and will continue to provide the valuable information of resources to protect and promote the interests of people.

Further, it caters the shared interests of farming communities, entrepreneurs, researchers and such other associated with.

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Plant Species




HARC'S Approach to Research

HARC'S Approach to Research

This Research White Paper explains how the HARC is strengthening Research capabilities to meet the challenges of the more complex issues likely to face in the years ahead. The Government's plan is for a more capable, agile and potent future that has greater capacity to respond to strategic risk wherever research interests are engaged.

The Initiatives and proactive decisions determine our capacity to manage the challenges of the future, it is important that policy decision-making and planning take a clear long-term view.

The decisions in this White Paper are the culmination of a rigorous process of review and assessment of State Government.

The White Paper explains how the Research will ensure that Sikkim has the critical industrial, scientific, technological and innovation capabilities that will be necessary to underpin.

A sustainable national support base that enables and sustains research, and adds to nation resilience will be fundamental to our future security and prosperity.

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Why now?

Principles establish a single end-to-end capability development function within Research are : - to conduct the research activities for the sustainable development of state; to develop and maintain state centre for forestry, agri-biodiversity and allied sciences; to establish the bioactivities of natural chemical compounds; identification of natural products available in natural resource of Sikkim; scaling up the production of active constituent of plant using biotechnological application; to find out the means of viability of medicinal plant for the commercial use; database on Himalayan plant based Drugs; formulate the collaborative work with scientists of other department, University and other institutions for the development of state; to advice on policies and measures relating to the researches and resources utilization.

  • Enabling and integrating systems - such as intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems, information and communications technology, facilities and workforce - ensure we get maximum performance from the research platforms.
  • In line with the policy planning, this research White Paper has the inclusive approach providing a single, coherent vision of research's future strategies across the major objectives that make up research capability. This paper will give much needed clarity and certainty to Research in implementing this White Paper.
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Important Events

  • Visit of Official of MOFPI, Government of India
  • Dendrochronology Presentation to the Honourable Prime Minister
  • National Seminar on Medicinal Plants , Funded by AYUSH, GOI
  • Participants of National Seminar, 2018


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Durga K. Pradhan, PhD

Scientific Incharge
Principal Scientist, QCL-HARC

The tools of Scientific analysis devise to drive the technical inputs into the action research or qualitative research. This knowledge of action research imparts quality knowledge for the qualitative life of mankind and its network.
Glastrodia- the platform is designed in such a way that it could bring together all aspects of research of the High Altitude Research Centre as well as in the other scientific and non-scientific facilities.
The objectives of this platform are to share the findings, achievements and happenings of scientific institutions.
Wish the forum strives the excellence with the milestones of integral scientific development at large.
Today, I remember to all personnel and congratulate to them including rank and file, who contributed to establish High Altitude Research Centre (HARC) in Sikkim.

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HARC for Natural products,

Deorali, Gangtok-737101

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